Reaching More Potential Buyers Has Never Been Easier.

The Black In Business Shopping Network connects desirable, product-based, black-owned brands with high-intent buyers around the world. Our comprehensive approach includes an online marketplace, direct mail catalog, and live video broadcast, ensuring maximum exposure and engagement for your products.

Increased Visibility, Traffic & Sales

Our mission is simple: to increase visibility, traffic, and sales for black-owned brands using a multichannel shopping network. Here’s how you’ll benefit:

Expanded Reach

Gain access to a global network of high-intent buyers who are actively seeking out products from black-owned brands.

Targeted Marketing

Utilize our multichannel approach to reach buyers through various platforms, ensuring that your products are seen by the right audience.

Increased Sales

By increasing visibility and traffic for black-owned brands, we help drive sales and revenue growth, supporting the success of your business.

High Quality Community

Join a vibrant community of black-owned brands and like-minded entrepreneurs, where you can network, collaborate, and share insights to further your business goals.

Seller to Seller discounts

Take advantage of special offers and discounts from fellow sellers within the network, creating mutually beneficial partnerships and opportunities for growth.

Streamlined Shopping Experience

Our user-friendly platforms make it easy for buyers to discover and purchase products, enhancing their shopping experience and increasing conversion rates.

Dropship Method

Our dropshipping approach helps streamline your business operations by eliminating the need to manage inventory and handle shipping logistics. Simply partner with trusted suppliers and manufacturers, and we’ll take care of the rest!

Analytics & Data

Gain valuable insights into your business performance with our advanced analytics and data access features available from your vendor dashboard. Track key metrics such as sales, customer behavior, and product performance to make informed decisions and optimize your strategies. 

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Ready to Reach More Potential buyers?

Ready to elevate your brand and reach more potential buyers with the Black In Business Shopping Network? Sign up today and start maximizing your sales opportunities.

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